It was really funny, I must say. My neighbor was literally shocked that I go to counseling.
What is the stigma? How "jacked up" does one have to be in order to qualify? Don't we all have baggage or faulty thinking or skeletons in our closets or hurts/wounds that may have scarred over but have healed pretty ugly?
Maybe not? *shrug* I don't know. All I know is, I got problems. Hello!
But what if people actually went to counseling BEFORE they were totally messed up or unhealthy patterns, thought processes or behaviors set in? What a friggin' novel idea! Wish I had thought of that 30+ friggin' years ago.
Prevention. Huh.
So last night, at Ladies Night Out, no, it's not called that...anyway, last night was friggin' amazing!
For reals! Uh. Maze. Ing!
I don't even have room here to blog all about it, but maybe I'll share it in a series. Yeah, that's it. I'll do that.
Okay, so our counselor gave us this hand-out by Prochaska & DiClemente called the Stages of Change. Now, you may remember this from your college Psych 101 class. I, however, though I likely studied it way back when, only did so for a test or paper...and sadly never applied it to my life. Huh.
You mean this was all preventable?! Probably notsomuch...
Anyway, did you go look at the hand-out? I'll wait... *drumming fingers*
Okay, so, if you were to read it from the top of the cycle at "Pre-contemplation" and then follow the arrows clockwise, over the last year as I worked my butt off to be a new, healthy thin person, I went through the cycle up until "Maintenance." At "Maintenance" I reached my 25 year goal of "losing those last 10 lbs" but not only that, did it in a way that was healthy and changed the way I not only viewed food and nutrition but how I viewed and loved myself.
And I did it for me. At least I thought I did... And it was good.
But then, I didn't really know what to do. Talking one on one with my counselor a few weeks back, she said, "It was like you accomplished your goal, so just checked it off your list of to-do's and moved onto the next item." She was exactly right! I told her that a year ago when I started this journey toward health and finally losing unwanted fat I wished I would have had a "What now?" or "Maintenance plan" in place. What a helpful tool this chart would have been last summer/fall.
The positive side of this chart is the "Upward Spiral" in the center. It says, "Learn from each relapse." And, looking back on my life, I realize I've traveled this "Transtheoretical Model of the Stages of Change" many a time. And each time, apparently through the process of relapse, I did learn a bit more about healthy eating, balanced lifestyle, whole foods, the mind game and weight loss, what my allergies and sensitivities are, how my body reacts to certain foods, which ones I should avoid and on which ones my body thrives..."How I'll do it better next time," if you will.
But, not until I was on the cusp of turning 40 friggin' years old (I'm not "friggin'" about the number...just in awe and a little crusty that it took sooooo long to learn this particular piece...) did the "Relapse" send me into a new spiral of learning what I've needed to learn this whole friggin' time.
And that is:
So yeah. I knew in my heart 2012 was going to be a good year. I had NO friggin' idea it would be the year I'd finally fall in love with ME! And I will ABSOLUTELY explain this in another post...because I know I am not the only one out there that has felt friggin' GUILTY or AFRAID of those words that God Almighty of the Whole Wide World Who loves us commands us to do...because it's so much more "righteous" and "spiritual" and "humble" to love our neighbors, but not ourselves.
Except. That. Is. Not. What. HE SAID!
Phew! It's about time. ;) I love myself and it is sooo freeing because I love me simply because God loves me. Awesome. Can't wait to see the new you that loves the whole you.