Monday, April 30, 2012


So, I enjoy talking with the people who work at the grocery stores I frequent.

I'm getting to know their stories.

I'm always happy when I walk into my local favorite organic grocer and see this one lady in particular.  Over the last year or so we've both revealed our runaway food cravings and sometimes skewed images of ourselves.  We've even talked of starting a small group, but not about food addiction.  Rather, we'd gather a few people to do the Dave Ramsey curriculum and get ourselves out of all debts.  Because, something else she's revealed as she's scanned my random food items for a year now is she's finishing up a nasty divorce and can't wait for financial freedom.

Do you just grocery shop?  Did you know the people who work there, at your favorite store, have stories, too?

So, today as I walked in pushing Ryan in the cart, she smiled and said, "Hi!  How are you doing?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and let out a huge sigh.

I promise, I'm usually not that dramatic!  In public, even if most of hell is breaking loose, I smile and say, "Yeah, it's all good.  We're fine..."

But, instead I said, "Ugh...I want to buy some of those chips you guys sell that are amazing that have soy sauce on them...and I want to eat the whole bag on the way home!"

She smiled and looked at me and said, with a concerned look on her face, "Oh...yeah...those chips all had maggots on them when we got the shipment."

My eyes were saucers.

"Seriously?!  That is sick!"

She just smiled at me.

And then I realized she was a really, really good friend.

I had never told her the brand of chip I was referring to!

As Ryan and I went up and down the aisles, smooching, giggling, and singing the ABC's, we grabbed the actual items that were on our shopping list.  I also realized something:  I no longer HATE the grocery store!

But I never did buy those maggot infested chips...

1 comment:

  1. isn't it amazing, where, and how, we find the friends we do? btw, i would love to host you and your food story sometime at my eating disorder blog, if you're interested. if so, feel free to write me at bless you friend.
